马文·盖博(关继威 饰)是一名在密尔沃基州郊区工作的房地产经纪人,这里到处都有“房屋出售”的招牌。有一天马文·盖博突然收到一封来自萝丝(阿丽亚娜·德博斯 饰)的绯红色信封,萝丝曾经是被他抛弃等死的搭档,所以她对他超级不爽。现在,马文被迫重新回到一个无情杀手的世界,充满了双重背叛,就连开放看屋活动都变成致命战场。当他脾气火爆的犯罪集团老大兄弟“指节哥”(吴彦祖 饰)派出手下追捕他,马文就必须面对一直纠缠着他的选择,以及他从未真正逃离的过去。
2024年,一名少女意外穿越回 2003年,而她的姐姐将在几天后被一名蒙面杀手杀害。她能否在不毁掉未来的情况下改变过去?
The post-apocalyptic mystery-thriller will follow a night watchman who finishes his shift at work to discover that everyone in the world who went to sleep the previous night has died. He and a band of survivors must stay awake and uncover the secret of the terrifying global epidemic before they too fall asleep.
A group of colleagues crash land on a mysterious island that they cannot escape. They discover they are not alone when they encounter an array of blood thirsty creatures and dinosaurs out to get them. Will they survive the island?