Follows Morgan, a single mother of three with a brilliant mind, as she rearranges some evidence during her shift as a cleaner for the police department, aiding in the resolution of an unsolvable case.
从国民演员跌落成为虐恋演员的李顺载(李顺载 饰),在南海某村庄藏身时遇到了退休警犬苏菲,他发现自己可以听懂苏菲说话,此后,南海村发生了各种神秘事件,会说话的苏菲和能听懂狗话的李顺载开始了联手破案。
When a young stranger enters a seemingly perfect family, the idyllic bubble they had been living in bursts and the chaos of the outside world infiltrates their lives, revealing their flaws, deepest fears, and dreams.
《Under Parallel Skies》是一部浪漫電影,講述一個男人因痛苦的過去而掙扎。當他試圖向前邁進時,卻發現他現在生命中的女人與過去的有著不可思議聯繫。觀眾可以期待踏上一段充滿愛情、心碎和愈合的旅程,每個場景都浸透著香港豐富多彩的背景。
A captivating mystery thriller set in the hills of north India.